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Dutch Holidays Pinksteren Pentecost

Dutch Holidays: Pinksteren (Pentecost)

Pinksteren in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, Pinksteren, also known as Pentecost, is a Christian holiday that falls on the Sunday and Monday following Ascension Day.

Pinksterzondag and Pinkstermaandag

Pinksterzondag (Pentecost Sunday) is the main day of celebration, commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles in Jerusalem. Pinkstermaandag (Pentecost Monday) is the following day, which is also a public holiday in the Netherlands.

During Pinksteren, many Dutch people attend church services and engage in festive activities such as family gatherings, picnics, and outdoor games. Traditional Dutch treats associated with Pinksteren include zwieback (a type of rusk) and oliebollen (fried dough balls).


Pinksteren is a significant Christian holiday in the Netherlands, celebrated with religious observances, family traditions, and festive enjoyments. The holiday serves as a reminder of the Christian信仰的 and provides an opportunity for reflection, fellowship, and celebration.
